...seastuff by the seashore
Artist Statement for Seascapes
Seascapes. I couldn't quite get my finger on the pulse of why seascapes speak so deeply to me and it hit me one day like a wave descending upon the rocks. The sea is a place to get lost in your thoughts. As a painter and maritime person, I try to study water but everytime I stare into the abyss I find myself instead going inward. Rather than taking in the ever changing patterns and colors and movement in front of me, I am instead accidentally meditating on my ever changing self. With this series I wanted to offer you a chance to reflect. To be in a moment that will never come again, an experience that only exists for that millisecond. An experience you couldn't even experience live as it was so fleeting. Those waves will never repeat, It has come and gone yet the dance will eternally go on. It could have existed in any time period at any place, you get to choose that adventure for yourself. Wherever these pieces take you, I hope it's also a deep sense of home.